Tuesday, October 30, 2007

no new nudity

Hi folks, sorry it has been so long since I last spoke at you. The summer is a bad time to hang out in the basement and draw cartoons, so I pretty much didn't. Now that the good weather and bathing suits are all put away, I have been working on the site again. So, you can expect twice weekly updates, new things in 'other' and some changes and additions to the site. Any feedback or tech tips would be welcome, either here or as an email to Shane or myself.
There are also still some t shirts for sale. We don't have the full range of sizes anymore, but if you are interested fill in the form and we'll letcha know.
Tell your friends! Stay in school!


deirdre said...

dear brian,

the limit is "completely heinous." it's actually a formula calculated by a celebrated social mathmetician (me).

deirdre said...

oh, and congratulations on the throat cold!